For about five months I have been working with Dr. Luke to use the HCG diet (through two complete cycles) in an effort to solve my major weight problems, and I am absolutely delighted by the results. I have been struggling with my weight for almost two decades, and despite occasional partial success it was always followed by major failure in regaining everything I had lost and much more. Even after I finally solved the underlying health problems that were the majority of the cause, I had spent so long trying and failing that I had pretty much completely despaired of ever getting the weight off by any means except surgery, which I neither truly wanted nor could afford. I had literally gotten to the point I refused to step on a scale because I didn't want to know anymore just how bad things had become. Finally I tried the HCG diet and it has worked better than any other system I have ever tried. I was able to get the maximum allowed weight off in my first cycle, and more importantly I was able to keep it off during the reset phase. I've had more energy and I've found it so much easier to move around that I've been able to return to levels of physical activity I simply could not do previously. And I've now completed a second cycle and lost almost as much, and now that I know how, I know I will be able to keep it off.
Best of all, the diet is fairly easy on a physical level. Anybody can do it if you are willing to put forth the mental discipline to try. Now I'm not going to pretend the diet is as easy as falling off a log, nor is it completely foolproof. It is far easier (and safer and more effective) than almost any other diet plan in existence, but it still requires mental dedication to adhere to the protocols and the effort to watch your weight during the reset cycle. So you can mess up and fail to lose the weight -- or you can fail to keep it off afterward -- if you don't follow those protocols properly. Especially very early in the first and towards the end of the second cycle, I found the adjustments somewhat difficult. But whatever the difficulty, the results are more than worth it. And even though there are limits to how much you can lose in a cycle, I know now from personal experience that you CAN successfully complete multiple cycles of the diet to get more weight off, until you do finally reach your "ideal".
If you have struggled with your weight for years and are despairing of a natural, safe method to get it off, I would highly recommend you seek out more information on the HCG diet as soon as possible.
To learn more visit or contact us at 831-4433 for your consultation!