Monday, January 21, 2013

Get At The Roots Weight Loss Group

We have a few spots still open for a new weight loss group starting Jan. 30th and continuing for 11 consecutive Wednesdays.

We'll focus on learning how to eat the right foods for your body, to find the root of what may be causing health issues and weight gain, and to change overall lifestyle habits for optimal health and weight loss that you can maintain.  The goal is to empower each participant to begin restoring health with small changes.

Time:  7:30pm on Wednesdays
Location:  Living with Motion Chiropractic, 1007c St. Rt. 28, Milford, OH  45150
Presenter:  Jen Molitor, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Please see attachment & contact if interested!
Thank you!
Jen Molitor, NTP, M.Ed.

About the Weight Loss Program
The objective of the program is to get the body healthy. As your body gets
healthier, the weight will naturally come off until you reach your ideal,
healthy body weight. This is not a low-calorie, low-fat diet. It is not about
restricting calories and therefore nutrients. The body needs good nutrition to
properly function. This program is about giving the body the proper
nutrients it needs for its metabolic and hormonal processes. By doing this
not only do you feed your body good nutrition, but your body also gains
health, diminishes food cravings and you gain energy while losing the
unwanted body fat.

give the body what it needs nutritionally to speed up the metabolism and
burn body fat! It also takes into account that we are all different and it is not
a one-size fits all remedy. One diet may work well for many people, but may
not work well for many others.
a specific daily amount of protein (in grams) based on their individual lean
body mass. The amount of carbohydrates will be different each day based on
activity level. In addition, it is extremely important to the program that you
eat the right kinds of fats in the appropriate amount. We will be dispelling
the myth that fat makes you fat. The right kinds of fats will actually help you
to reduce overall body fat. You will learn how to eat to get your body into
biochemical balance – balancing brain chemistry, hormones, and blood
sugar. This is key to your long-term success.
addresses the underlying root causes of excess weight gain such as hormonal
imbalances, deficient brain chemistry (causing stress eating), digestive
problems, food sensitivities, and more. The long-term objective of the program is to see results that last! This is not a weight loss program to follow for a short time. Rather, it teaches you how
to eat; to optimally feed your body for the rest of your life.

The Program Package Includes:

This workbook contains a full explanation of the
GET AT THE ROOTS Weight Loss System to
speed up your metabolism and begin burning body
fat as well as information on each nutrition topic
to help you determine YOUR underlying causes of
weight gain. Using your workbook along with the
information you will attain by attending the GET
meetings you will determine what underlying
issues may be preventing you from losing weight
and what you can do to correct them.
Nutrient Cards:
You will receive a set of 3 nutrient cards for
Protein, Carbohydrate, and Fat. These travel size
cards make it easier for you to make healthy food
choices and stay on the
away from home.
Recipe Cards:
Great tasting meal options that fit into the GET
AT THE ROOTS SYSTEM. These simple recipes
guide you through making adjustments to the
recipe to fit into your personalized program while
eliminating some of the most common food
allergens for those who have sensitivities.
The weight loss program will run for 12
weeks, with 1 hour weekly sessions.
Cost: $299*
*Refer a friend and you both receive $30 off
your program fees!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Join Jen Molitor to Improve Your Nutrition

Looking to Improve Your Health this

Join us to learn how!

January 16, 2013 @ 7pm
Living with Motion Chiropractic
1007C St. Rt. 28, Milford

Learn how to …
• manage inflammation
• listen to your body
• eat the “right” foods
• recognize deficiencies
• make small changes to improve YOUR
Cost:  $15.00*

*Every attendee will receive a voucher for $10 off a future

I will also spend some time discussing a 12 week weight
loss program where you can lose weight without pills,
starving, or “one size fits all” diet. 
Eating healthy isn’t a fad.  It’s about changing your habits a teensy bit
at a time.  I work with clients to create manageable goals to promote
overall health with long-term benefits.

About the Weight Loss Program
The objective of the program is to get the body healthy. As your body gets
healthier, the weight will naturally come off until you reach your ideal,
healthy body weight. This is not a low-calorie, low-fat diet. It is not about
restricting calories and therefore nutrients. The body needs good nutrition to
properly function. This program is about giving the body the proper
nutrients it needs for its metabolic and hormonal processes. By doing this
not only do you feed your body good nutrition, but your body also gains
health, diminishes food cravings and you gain energy while losing the
unwanted body fat.

give the body what it needs nutritionally to speed up the metabolism and
burn body fat! It also takes into account that we are all different and it is not
a one-size fits all remedy. One diet may work well for many people, but may
not work well for many others.
a specific daily amount of protein (in grams) based on their individual lean
body mass. The amount of carbohydrates will be different each day based on
activity level. In addition, it is extremely important to the program that you
eat the right kinds of fats in the appropriate amount. We will be dispelling
the myth that fat makes you fat. The right kinds of fats will actually help you
to reduce overall body fat. You will learn how to eat to get your body into
biochemical balance – balancing brain chemistry, hormones, and blood
sugar. This is key to your long-term success.
addresses the underlying root causes of excess weight gain such as hormonal
imbalances, deficient brain chemistry (causing stress eating), digestive
problems, food sensitivities, and more.  The long-term objective of the program is to see results that last! This is not a weight loss program to follow for a short time. Rather, it teaches you how
to eat; to optimally feed your body for the rest of your life.

The Program Package Includes:

This workbook contains a full explanation of the
GET AT THE ROOTS Weight Loss System to
speed up your metabolism and begin burning body
fat as well as information on each nutrition topic
to help you determine YOUR underlying causes of
weight gain. Using your workbook along with the
information you will attain by attending the GET
meetings you will determine what underlying
issues may be preventing you from losing weight
and what you can do to correct them.
Nutrient Cards:
You will receive a set of 3 nutrient cards for
Protein, Carbohydrate, and Fat. These travel size
cards make it easier for you to make healthy food
choices and stay on the
away from home.
Recipe Cards:
Great tasting meal options that fit into the GET
AT THE ROOTS SYSTEM. These simple recipes
guide you through making adjustments to the
recipe to fit into your personalized program while
eliminating some of the most common food
allergens for those who have sensitivities.
The weight loss program will run for 12
weeks, with 1 hour weekly sessions.
Cost:  $299*
*Refer a friend and you both receive $30 off
your program fees!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Proprioception? Can It Make Your Body Smarter?

We usually don't think of our bodies in terms of their being "smart." For example, we walk to the corner store without giving a single thought to the complex mechanics involved in getting there and back. But behind the scenes there's plenty going on and your body's "IQ" has a lot to do with your success in accomplishing everyday tasks.

Proprioception is one of those background physical processes that make up your body's total IQ. Proprioceptors are specialized nerve endings located in your muscles and joints that inform your brain about your body's position in three-dimensional space. You're able to write legibly because proprioceptors are sending instantaneous data about the angles of the small joints of your fingers and wrists as your pen moves across the page. You're able to run on the beach because proprioceptors are continuously sending signals to your brain about the changing shape of the uneven surface of the sand.1

Without these specialized nerve endings, we'd never be able to hit a baseball, throw a Frisbee, or drive a car. But proprioceptors can be smart or less than that. It all depends on how well-trained they are. One person out for a stroll might trip over a crack in the pavement and suffer a badly sprained ankle. Another person might trip over the same crack, even badly turning over their ankle in the process, and keep on walking without even a trace of a limp.

The difference between injury and non-injury is the level of proprioceptor training, and this level usually is related to whether you're doing regular exercise.2 Exercise trains your muscles and joints to adapt to varying kinds of stresses (weight-bearing loads) throughout a variety of positions (the full range of motion of those joints). As a result, trained proprioceptors can withstand a high degree of stress (such as a sudden twisting of an ankle). The untrained ankle, possibly the ankle of a person who hasn't done much walking, running, or bike riding in the last 5 years, will be damaged by an unusual and unexpected stress. The result is an ankle sprain of varying severity and possibly a broken ankle.

Similarly, it is well known that older adults experience more frequent falls than do younger adults. Part of the explanation involves proprioception.3 Many older adults don't engage in regular exercise. Proprioceptive function decreases, changes in level or surface aren't recognized quickly by the person's feet and ankles, and the person falls.

It's easy to see that the effort to maintain your body's IQ is time very well spent. The fastest way to boost this skill set is by doing regular exercise. All kinds of exercise provide benefit, so the best exercises are the ones that have some interest for you personally. Optimally, a person is doing both strength training and cardiovascular exercise. As always, the key to long-term health and wellness is consistency.
Chiropractic Care Can Help Your Body Be Smarter.
Your body's awareness of where it is in three dimensions is critical to your ability to function effectively in the world. This awareness depends on proprioceptors. These specialized nerve endings are part of your nervous system - your body's master system.

Nerve signals are transmitted from proprioceptors in joints and muscles, along nerve pathways, to spinal nerves. Spinal nerves connect to the spinal cord, and from there signals are transmitted to the brain. But spinal nerves are a potential bottleneck to the free flow of information. These nerves may become irritated or inflamed, blocking accurate information from reaching the brain and accurate instructions from reaching the rest of the body.

Chiropractic care helps keep your body free of nerve interference. By correcting spinal misalignments, chiropractic care helps remove nerve interference and ensures a free flow of information from the brain, to the spinal cord, to all the body's cells, and back again. Optimal health and well-being are the result.

1Wong JD, et al: Can proprioceptive training improve motor learning? J Neurophysiol 2012 Sep 12 [Epub ahead of print]
2Ferreira ML, et al: Physical activity improves strength, balance and endurance in adults aged 40-65 years: a systematic review. J Physiother 58(3):145-156, 2012
3Howe TE, et al: Exercise for improving balance in older people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011 Nov 9(11):CD004963.