Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Raw Spicy Mango Salsa

​This RAW SPICY MANGO SALSA is so easy to whip up and tastes so fresh and unique with the whole sweet and savory combo that almost everyone loves it.

Raw Spicy Mango Salsa

This RAW SPICY MANGO SALSA is so easy to whip up and tastes so fresh and unique with the whole sweet and savory combo that almost everyone loves it.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Make Your Years Count

Stay healthy, be active, and have a positive outlook.

Make Your Years Count

Stay healthy, be active, and have a positive outlook.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

You ARE What You Eat

​A healthy diet is among the best weapons you have to fight disease.

You ARE What You Eat

A healthy diet is among the best weapons you have to fight disease.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Healing Touch

The primary focus of chiropractic is simply to remove those things which interfere with the body’s natural normal healing ability.

Healing Touch

The primary focus of chiropractic is simply to remove those things which interfere with the body’s natural normal healing ability.

Monday, July 13, 2015

You Are 99% Microbe! Meet Your Microbiome

Our bodies are home to ten times as many microbes as human cells. We are walking ecosystems, each of us home to thousands of different species on and inside of us.

You Are 99% Microbe! Meet Your Microbiome

Our bodies are home to ten times as many microbes as human cells. We are walking ecosystems, each of us home to thousands of different species on and inside of us.

Friday, July 3, 2015

4th of July Treats

These 4th of July treats are all vegetarian and patriotic. Have a fun and safe Independence Day!

4th of July Treats

These 4th of July treats are all vegetarian and patriotic.

Health Benefits of Turmeric

There are over 6000 clinical studies proving turmeric to be the #1 healing herb today.

Health Benefits of Turmeric

There are over 6000 clinical studies proving turmeric to be the #1 healing herb today.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Removing your pain by improving your brain!


The body heals from the inside out and from the top down. A healthy spine is the key to a healthy life.