Thursday, September 13, 2012

Symptoms of an Unbalanced Nervous System.

Throughout life to maintain a balanced nervous system the brain is constantly changing as a consequence of our emotional experience, physical activity, and the environment in which we live. However, if these experiences and activities cause decreased processing of neurological signals to a critical level, an unbalanced nervous system develops. This leads to dysfunction and disease resulting in decreasing human potential.

If your nervous system is in BALANCE you should be experiencing:

1. Mentally alert                   2. Few symptoms                      3. Vibrant
4. High energy                     5. Positive mental attitude           6. Resistant to infections
7. Excellent health                8. Active

If your nervous system in UNDER-AROUSED you may be experiencing:

1. Poor attention (ADD/ADHD)            2. Lacking motivation               3. Worry
4. Poor concentration                            5. Low energy                         6. Irritable
7. Easily distracted                                8. Difficulty waking                  9. Low pain threshold
10. Spaciness                                       11. Depressed                          2. Constipation
13. Impulsive

If your nervous system is OVER-AROUSED you may be experiencing:

1. Cold hands                                   2. Heart palpitations                  3. accelerated aging
4. Low immune system                     5. Anxiety                                 6. Cold feet
7. Tight muscles                                8. Restless sleep                        9. Racing mind
10. Poor expression of emotion        11. Teeth grinding                      12. Irritable bowel
13. High blood pressure

If you nervous system is UNSTABLE you may be experiencing:

1. Migraines                                     2. Food Sensitivities                 3. Bi-Polar Disorders
4. Headaches                                   5. Bed Wetting                         6. Mood Swings
7. Seizures                                       8. Eating disorders                    9. Panic attacks
10. Sleepwalking                             11. Hot flashes

If your nervous system is EXHAUSTED you may have or are experiencing:

1. Cancer                                      2. Multiple Sclerosis                               3. Fibromyalgia
4. Rheumatoid Arthritis                  5. Depression                                         6. ALS
7. Diabetes                                    8. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(CFS)        9. Epstein-Bar Virus     

How Can Chiropractic Help With This???

Continued research on the chiropractic adjustment (correction of a spinal subluxation) has proven to show benefits of regulating nervous system function.  The definition of "subluxation" is actually being revised due to more recent research.  Previously the subluxation was defined as a spinal misalignment that causes muscle spasm, pain, inflammation and so forth.  The current definition is:  
A subluxation is a neurological imbalance or distortion in the body associated with adverse physiological responses and/or structural changes, which may become persistent and progressive.  The most frequent site for the chiropractic correction of the subluxation is via the vertebral column.

The correction of the subluxation is done by hand and is known as the "adjustment".  The current definition of the adjustment is:

A chiropractic procedure whereby the consequences of an action serves to continually modify further action within the nervous system with the intent of creating harmony with in the body's system.

To see the review of the most recent research done on brainwave activity and chiropractic go to this link:

To see Dr. Reineck of a spinal evaluation and nervous system check visit call Living with Motion Chiropractic in Cincinnati at (513) 831-4433 or visit our website

Dr. Luke Reineck


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