Thursday, October 4, 2012

Diabetes and Alkalinity

Info from Dr. F. Batmaghelidj and his Book - "Your Body’s Many Cries for  

The adult disease of diabetes is called insulin independent diabetes mellitus. It usually
affects people over the age of 40.  People who have this ailment usually eat too much and are overweight.
Age is a factor here, because the efficiency of the pancreas decreases as we grow older.

A shortage of calcium ions in the body impairs the production and release of the insulin
hormone. That can lead to an acidic blood condition. Clogged blood vessels caused by
excess protein buildup also impair pancreatic function.  Alkaline water, by supplying calcium in an ionized form, and by preventing excess protein buildup, can help this condition.  The Japanese have been successfully clinically treating diabetes with alkaline water.

Water prevents and helps to cure early adult onset diabetes.

Adult onset diabetes is another adaptive state to severe dehydration of the human body.
To have adequate water in circulation and for the brain's priority water needs, the release
of insulin is inhibited to prevent insulin from pushing water into all body cells. In diabetes,
only some cells get survival rations of water. Water and some salt will reverse adult onset
diabetes in its early stages.

Not recognizing adult onset diabetes as a complication of dehydration will, in time,
cause massive damage to the blood vessels all over the body. It will cause eventual loss
of the toes, feet and legs from gangrene. It will cause eye damage, even blindness.

Dr. F. Batmaghelidj points out…"I am a researcher. I have researched dehydration for the
past 20 years. When I discovered that the solution to most of the disease conditions of our
society is not a moneymaker, I decided to take my information to the public. My research
revealed that unintentional dehydration produces stress, chronic pains and many
degenerative diseases.

Dry mouth is not the only sign of dehydration and waiting to get thirsty is wrong. Medicine
has based its understanding that it is solid matter in the body that regulates all functions of
the body. I have explained scientifically at the molecular level that it is water that regulates
all functions of the body including functions of solid matter.

75% of our bodies are composed of water. The brain is 85% water. It is water that energizes
and activates the solid matter. If you don’t take enough water, some functions
of the body will suffer. Dehydration produces system disturbances. When I use the word
water cure, I am referring to curing dehydration with water."

          Dr. F. Batmaghelidj wrote his first self help book “Your Body’s Many Cries for
          Water” in 1992, in which he stated that a dry mouth is not a reliable indicator of
          dehydration. The body signals its water shortage by producing pain. Dehydration
          actually produces pain and many severely degenerative diseases, including asthma,
          arthritis, hypertension, angina, adult onset diabetes, lupus and multiple sclerosis.
          Dr. B’s message to the world is, “You are not sick, you are thirsty. Don’t treat thirst
          with medication.”

          Dr. F. Batmanghelidj devoted the last 20 years of his life promoting public
          awareness of the healing powers of water. He appeared on hundreds of radio and
          television programs and lectured around the world. He has left a body of valuable
          works of six books and more than a dozen educational audio and video seminars.
          His work has created an international community that has embraced the natural
          healing of the water cure.

          His groundbreaking book “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” has been translated
          into 15 languages and continues to inspire readers all over the world. Dr. F.
          Batmanghelidj died of complications from pneumonia on November 15, 2004, in
          Virginia, U.S.A. He was 73.

It leads to weight gain and diabetes.

An acidic pH may result in weight problems such as diabetes and obesity. When our body
is too acidic, we suffer from a condition known as Insulin Sensitivity. This forces excessive
insulin to be produced. As a result, the body is flooded with so much insulin that it
diligently converts every calorie into fat.

It is very likely that an acid pH, from an imbalanced diet, produces a condition, which
stimulates the predetermined genetic response to starvation and famine. Thereafter,
the body will have to increasingly hoard every calorie consumed and store it as fat.

Some people reckon that an acid pH immediately signals the powerful genetic response to
an impending famine, directly interpreting with the all important and very sensitive
Insulin Glucagon Axis. When this happens, it makes the body produce more insulin than
usual, and in turn, produce more fats and store it.

On the other hand, a healthy and slightly alkaline pH will yield normal fat burning
metabolic activities, making no demands on the body to produce extra insulin and make
fats. As such, this allows fat to be burned and naturally lost. A healthy pH diet is also less
likely to have any yoyo effects, or rebounding from a diet with additional weight gain.

We should try to maintain a healthy slightly alkaline pH so as to allow fats to be burnt
normally for energy, rather than hoarded and stored under the mistaken biochemical
belief of an impending famine.

Acidosis also disrupts the insulin producing pancreatic beta cells. These beta cells are
especially sensitive to pH and cannot survive if the body is too acidic.

When this occurs, beta cells will lose phase with one another. Their cellular communication
will be thwarted and the body's immune system will start to over-respond. Stress within the
cells will increase, making them more difficult to perform adequately and survive.

How do you achieve a slightly more alkaline pH?

To do this we need to reduce the amount of processed, nutrient deficient foods that make up so much of our diets.  We need to incorporate more fresh organic vegetables, fish and nuts.  I have found that hydrating with Kangen water is the most effective way to stay hydrated consistently, day in and day out.  For more information on what alkaline water is best visit


  1. Well explained blog. I just learned here how to avoid and prevent diabetes and tackle dehydration. An eyeopener article that helps us realize that some of our practices can affect our health.

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